It’s been almost a week into 2017, when i was preparing for this blog post..looking back at the pictures of all the couples that we have met and photographed, its damn inspiring…Seeing two people so in tune to each other in that moment, that they forget about the world around them. They gave us a new perspective every time, teach us to understand what it means to be connected.
For all the clients turned friend, this is what we are signing for! sometimes we feel that we were friends already for quite some time! We are so so thankful for all the trust, for the freedom you gave us to use our creativity, the appreciation, all the group hugs, meals together, crazy emojis, gracious words and gifts we have received 🙂 It make us sure, that this is why we are doing this at the first place.
You guys are what makes us keep going and working harder each day.
2016 has nothing but awesome & kind to us.
Gh, Sil, Wisanto & Bubu
Song: Sinking Friendship by JĂłnsi, I heard this song from “We bought a zoo” movie years back, and i still remember clearly that i was so in awe with the song, its so beautiful, somehow poignant and never failed to make me teary every time i hear it.  ~sil